For Registration Questions please contact us at [email protected]
Welcome to the Durham Dolphins! We offer five groups, ages 4-100. Please remember when swimming you need to obtain an USA SWIM MEMBERSHIP (INSURANCE) (see below).
2025 Spring Season February 24-April 24 M, T, W & TH
Blue Group (age 5-8) $200 4:00-4:30pm
White Group (age 9-12) $275 4:30-5:30pm
Red Group (13-18) $350 5:30-7:00pm
Masters (18 and up) $100 TBD
Mini Dolphins (age 4-7) Only Offered During Summer Season
If you have already obtained your USA Swim Membership, for the current year, use the link below to register.
If you do not have USA Swim membership, for the current year, follow the instructions below.
Before starting your registration, please watch this instructional video for obtaining your swim membership. This is for new users only. If you've had USA Swim Membership, within the past two years, you can login to your account to renew your swimmer(s) membership(s). If you are a Masters swimmer scroll to the bottom to click the link to the USA Swimming Masters Membership.
USA Swimming Membership Instructional Video
1. First you need to create a parent account from this link. If you already have a parent account, skip to step 2.
Link to Create a USA Swimming Parent Account
2. Then you will use one of the two links to obtain your swimmers' USA Swimming Membership. If you had a 2024 USA Swim Membership, this link is not necessary, please login to your account to renew your swimmer(s) membership(s). If you are looking to get a Masters membership, scroll to the link at the bottom.
USA Swimming Membership (Not for Outreach Memberships or Masters Memberships)
Outreach program (low income) use this link to create your swimmer(s) account.
USA Swimming Membership - Ooutreach Membership Only
3. Once you are a member of USA Swim and have obtained all your swimmers' USA Swimming Membership numbers, register below.
Register Here (have your USA Swimming Membership number(s) ready)
USA Swimming membership information:
Premium allows your swimmer to attend all swim meets plus championships. $95
Seasonal allows your swimmer to attend all swim meets at the club level, including championships, for 150 days from date of purchase $59 (please pay attention to expiration dates before choosing this option)
Flex is for age 4-12 allows your swimmer to attend 2 meets not championships. $30
* To qualify for the Outreach program, the swimmer's family must meet the eligibility requirements of one of the following: Calworks, Covered California/Medi-cal, Homeless Coalition, Family income at or below state poverty lever, Individual Free School Program, Section 8 Housing, and Snap.
Master Swimming - USA Masters Swimming Membership